Friday, December 21, 2007

Always all through the thick and thin.

I’m horrible with words. Unfortunately, I am not nearly as creative as you all are. On top of that, I'm finding myself piled with work day after day. I don't have much time. A couple of paragraphs will have to do, I'm afraid. But please know that words can never describe how grateful I am for ever having met you all.

Shitsubou Shita,

You have a beautifully deep and aged soul. Your words enrapture me. They do something to soothe my shattered self. I value your friendship. You’re the type of person I aim to become one day. You’re the type of person anyone would be proud to know. I hope you realize what you've done for us all. My gratitude to you is as boundless as the Pacific. To you, I give my unending support and unconditional love. Thank you for your beautiful heart. Never forget the sources of your smile.


I am often rendered speechless with your words. We’ve had our ups and downs but I feel privileged to consider you a friend of mine. You’ve grown over the months, just like us. I believe you care. We care too. Truth be told, you are utterly brilliant. Thank you for being a constant source for inspiration. Thank you for giving me something to look forward to each and every day. Never forget how wonderful you are.

My friends,

I can’t even begin to explain how much I appreciate ever having met you. We’ve grown so close. I could write a novel about all the things I love about you girls. We’ve been sharing our lives with each other, and even the hardships. I love learning more about all of you every day. You all have incredible personalities that make you more beautiful than you already are. I know I have a permanent place for you all in my heart. You deserve every wonderful thing you get in life and more. Thank you so much for everything.

Happy Holidays to you all. Much love.