Friday, December 21, 2007

Always all through the thick and thin.

I’m horrible with words. Unfortunately, I am not nearly as creative as you all are. On top of that, I'm finding myself piled with work day after day. I don't have much time. A couple of paragraphs will have to do, I'm afraid. But please know that words can never describe how grateful I am for ever having met you all.

Shitsubou Shita,

You have a beautifully deep and aged soul. Your words enrapture me. They do something to soothe my shattered self. I value your friendship. You’re the type of person I aim to become one day. You’re the type of person anyone would be proud to know. I hope you realize what you've done for us all. My gratitude to you is as boundless as the Pacific. To you, I give my unending support and unconditional love. Thank you for your beautiful heart. Never forget the sources of your smile.


I am often rendered speechless with your words. We’ve had our ups and downs but I feel privileged to consider you a friend of mine. You’ve grown over the months, just like us. I believe you care. We care too. Truth be told, you are utterly brilliant. Thank you for being a constant source for inspiration. Thank you for giving me something to look forward to each and every day. Never forget how wonderful you are.

My friends,

I can’t even begin to explain how much I appreciate ever having met you. We’ve grown so close. I could write a novel about all the things I love about you girls. We’ve been sharing our lives with each other, and even the hardships. I love learning more about all of you every day. You all have incredible personalities that make you more beautiful than you already are. I know I have a permanent place for you all in my heart. You deserve every wonderful thing you get in life and more. Thank you so much for everything.

Happy Holidays to you all. Much love.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

A bent brain full of lies.

Do you not see that all of the regulars, save three people, are infuriated? Does that mean anything to you, or are you still convinced you are the innocent victim here?

What you have done has caused long-time observers to finally come out from the shadow and speak their mind. What about 'm'? Even he has spoken up. Does that mean nothing to you?

This is not merely something we can forget and move on. This family will never be the way it once was because of a select few who chose to exclude. A man, or your friends. The choice was entirely yours. You chose wrong.

P.S. - An affair with the puppets. Now you sleep with the rats all alone.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

An open letter to 'Little Miss Bendable' and the trash band.

Hasn't your 15 minutes expired already? Or have I missed something? Perhaps the only reason you and your talent-challenged band are even known is because you so proudly use your relationship as a career booster? Yeah, thought so.

It is a wonder to me as to why a female, such as yourself, has joined a band with such demeaning lyrics towards women? Then again, a failing career in the arts could explain a lot. But seriously, your songs have no depth. Jimmy's voice resembles what could possibly be a bag of cats being violently smashed repeatedly against a wall and your live performance? Well I suppose the only thing to say, for lack of a better word, is "LOL."

But I suppose your fame could be explained by all of the recent blind teenagers. Kids don't have a sense of what good music is these days, you know? They basically just eat up whatever crap is put out, be it from people who so clearly lack talent, like yourselves, or not.

Many of you like to claim that the reason behind Jimmy Urine's petty antics on stage is for 'shock value'. Just a note to everyone in the music bizz: If you find the only way you can attract the audience's attention is by using 'shock value' (ie. setting your hair on fire), find a new job. That's pathetic.

Admirable? No, not slightly. I do not wish to admire anyone who has anything to do with a tasteless and demeaning band with such provocative lyrics. Her 'personal style' is laughable. And the girl mustn't be so bright if she actually told someone that she wanted to 'keep their relationship on the down-low'. That certainly gives her credibility doesn't it? I suppose all the secret messages on their bodies, hickeys, and shout outs on stage never happened. If you believe that for a second, well, you probably aren't that bright either.

There is something else that seems to irk me oh-so-much about her.
Lyn Z's 'personal style' as one likes to call it. I'm sorry, but have you seen the outfits she have a tendency to wear? A school girl uniform? You've been wearing the hideous thing since 2002, my dear. And you continue to do so. I would have expected someone to tell you the honest truth by now to spare you from embarrassment, but apparently no one has. Allow me to be the first: IT'S GETTING BLOODY OLD. It is revolting and childish. And you wonder why so many have preconceived notions about you.

You'll never make it in the big league, kiddies. Sorry to say. Your music will only ever be known for its sickening songs that contain racial slurs, violence, and child porn. Young ones don't see the reality. Your older fans? Trying to provoke, don't know what music is, are deaf, or are just plain stupid. There is no doubt in my mind.

Friday, October 12, 2007

'Pretty Purple Unicorn'

"Anonymous said...
I nicknamed Shitsubou Shita my 'Pretty Purple Unicorn'
October 11, 2007 3:47 PM"

I wrote this.
I get off the computer and 12 hours later I see a new blog, 500 new comments, a fake 'Pretty Purple Unicorn', and an angry Shitsubou Shita.

I wasn't the one who spammed, but I feel responsible for all of this. I'm extremely upset.

To Shitsubou Shita:
I'm truly sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. When I wrote this, there were only a few people online and I thought you'd maybe get a kick out of it if you read it. I didn't imagine that ANY of this would ever have happened. I'm really, really sorry.

To the fake 'Pretty Purple Unicorn':
I hope you've enjoyed your 15 minutes of fame. You took something that was suppose to be enjoyable and fun, and completely turned it around. You're no better than the kids on Buzznet.

I'm so disgusted.