Wednesday, October 31, 2007

An open letter to 'Little Miss Bendable' and the trash band.

Hasn't your 15 minutes expired already? Or have I missed something? Perhaps the only reason you and your talent-challenged band are even known is because you so proudly use your relationship as a career booster? Yeah, thought so.

It is a wonder to me as to why a female, such as yourself, has joined a band with such demeaning lyrics towards women? Then again, a failing career in the arts could explain a lot. But seriously, your songs have no depth. Jimmy's voice resembles what could possibly be a bag of cats being violently smashed repeatedly against a wall and your live performance? Well I suppose the only thing to say, for lack of a better word, is "LOL."

But I suppose your fame could be explained by all of the recent blind teenagers. Kids don't have a sense of what good music is these days, you know? They basically just eat up whatever crap is put out, be it from people who so clearly lack talent, like yourselves, or not.

Many of you like to claim that the reason behind Jimmy Urine's petty antics on stage is for 'shock value'. Just a note to everyone in the music bizz: If you find the only way you can attract the audience's attention is by using 'shock value' (ie. setting your hair on fire), find a new job. That's pathetic.

Admirable? No, not slightly. I do not wish to admire anyone who has anything to do with a tasteless and demeaning band with such provocative lyrics. Her 'personal style' is laughable. And the girl mustn't be so bright if she actually told someone that she wanted to 'keep their relationship on the down-low'. That certainly gives her credibility doesn't it? I suppose all the secret messages on their bodies, hickeys, and shout outs on stage never happened. If you believe that for a second, well, you probably aren't that bright either.

There is something else that seems to irk me oh-so-much about her.
Lyn Z's 'personal style' as one likes to call it. I'm sorry, but have you seen the outfits she have a tendency to wear? A school girl uniform? You've been wearing the hideous thing since 2002, my dear. And you continue to do so. I would have expected someone to tell you the honest truth by now to spare you from embarrassment, but apparently no one has. Allow me to be the first: IT'S GETTING BLOODY OLD. It is revolting and childish. And you wonder why so many have preconceived notions about you.

You'll never make it in the big league, kiddies. Sorry to say. Your music will only ever be known for its sickening songs that contain racial slurs, violence, and child porn. Young ones don't see the reality. Your older fans? Trying to provoke, don't know what music is, are deaf, or are just plain stupid. There is no doubt in my mind.


Anonymous said...

I love your honesty CTV. Keep it up!

MissTottenham said...

Is it just me, or does anyone else think that if you got close up to lynz, she'd smell of BO.

I just think she looks smelly. That goes for the rest of the band too.

Bella said that at the Italy show, jimmy pretended to use his microphone to shoot up drugs. He's so tasteful isn't he

MissTottenham said...

Yes CTV, I did once say that he was looking for a female version of himself.

I don't think it'll work. he'd be better off marrying a full length mirror instead.

JocelynHolly said...


CTV, I admire your honesty. I can only agree with every single fucking word! *HUG*

It's sad that teenagers like myself get misunderstood because of a select few who chose to listen to stupid annoying bands like MSI.

All my love;