Sunday, July 13, 2008


Like sadness.

Like pain.
Like life.

Sometimes when all you have is old words all you can do is put them together and hope they say something new.


lewishasfallensloppydead said...

Oh, your killing me Capture.

I just wanted to say, thank you for what you said to me. And I think your words are better suited coming right back at you. If there were more people like you Capture, life wouldn't suck so much sometimes. :P I hope ya know that.

Thinking of you, right back! Love to you. -tweet

MissTottenham said...

I miss seeing my wifey around.

Luv you 4eva sweetie.


gnothi seauton said...

I hope you are okay and keeping well CTV. I miss seeing you around.

Bert 4eva!!

Emerald said...

CTV, thank you for your kind words, as always. I really miss seeing you on Mayo's, and hope one day you will feel like coming back. I know all too well how you feel. I hope you are doing ok, and I wanted to leave you a song that helps me when I am down and hurting.

Love you,

"Everybody Hurts"
By R.E.M.

When the day is long and the night, the night is yours alone,
When you're sure you've had enough of this life, well hang on.
Don't let yourself go, everybody cries and everybody hurts sometimes.

Sometimes everything is wrong. Now it's time to sing along.
When your day is night alone, (hold on, hold on)
If you feel like letting go, (hold on)
When you think you've had too much of this life, well hang on.

Everybody hurts. Take comfort in your friends.
Everybody hurts. Don't throw your hand. Oh, no. Don't throw your hand.
If you feel like you're alone, no, no, no, you are not alone

If you're on your own in this life, the days and nights are long,
When you think you've had too much of this life to hang on.

Well, everybody hurts sometimes,
Everybody cries. And everybody hurts sometimes.
And everybody hurts sometimes. So, hold on, hold on.
Hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on. (repeat & fade)
(Everybody hurts. You are not alone.)

lewishasfallensloppydead said...

Oh shit....

And here I thought 'tweet' meant: 'I love ya, I miss ya, I think ya awesome -come shower me with your fantastic, beautiful, comforting- attention!!'

I so embarassed... ;p


Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks.

Have a good night.

Original Punk J said...

HI BOB!! Dang, I miss you. Congrats on being done with school, BTW. Enjoy your trip to NY; buy something extravagant and useliess, but pretty and fun! (No, I won't be there, can't buy ME.)

You're one of the first friends I made from Mayo's, did you know that? Ah, the good ol' days...back when we were young and carefree...oh wait, it wasn't that long ago. *covers eyes with hand* Ok, so we were youngER and not so jaded. Does that work instead? :/

Take care, honey bun! I love you!

Anonymous said...

Oh no, not at all. I really did appreciate it. Sorry, I think sometimes my words on the screen don’t come across the way I want them to.

Have a good day, okay? I wish there was something I could say or do to make things better for you. Just know that you’re not alone and you’re always more than welcome to come and vent.

And thank you for all you have done. You’re a wonderful person.

Emerald said...

Thank you for your words, Bob, I really appreciate it. It will get better, for all of us. Right?

Keep trying, keep living, keep loving. That's all we can do.

Thank you again. Love you dearly!


Anonymous said...


Just wanted to say -have a wonderful time! Be safe! And do everything!


capture this void said...

Haha, Lewis. Maybe you can fly all the way to NY with me, eh? ;)

Thanks for everything, guys. I'll see you when I get back.

resurrected wreck said...

Have fun in New York, Pony Boy :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you're having a great time in the city. I'm glad you got a chance to get away and do something that you want to do. I'm sure you're finding plenty of exciting things to do and see.
Have fun!

Amyranth said...


I haven't heard from you in awhile, so I wanted to come by and say Hello! I want to see some more of your lovely pictures too!

I hope everything is well for you, regardless of the sadness in your post.


Amyranth said...


I'm glad you had a wonderful time! Do you plan to go again? Is New York as nice as I think it is? I'd love to go eventually...

I hope this note finds you well!


Anonymous said...

Ah! I knew if anyone could -it would be you!! Cheeky!!

How was ya trip?? I hope it was everything you wanted! (Will you put some pics up!!?) I certainly missed you too! I am glad you are home safe! I really hope you enjoyed yourself and feel so much better and ready to embrace your life at home, you know where I am! ;p

(And next time I'll just carry you there! I need to stretch my wings...) :P

So happy to see your name, loves

Emerald said...

Hey, Bob! Hope you are doing well. Just wanted to let you know that J. and I both miss you and are still thinking about you. You have to tell us all about your trip!

Take care of yourself, and love you dearly.


capture this void said...

Good to be home.

Thanks, all of you.

Anonymous said...

Hot damn! I didn't know you are Canadian! Whewza! You're a pretty bunch over there!! ;D Ya know Nathan Fillion!?

I was sure you'd enjoy yourself! I'd have been shocked to hell and back otherwise! I have wanted to venture there for years and years! I hope I make it there sometime! I have heard of the somewhat lack of friendlies too! But hell, if you came Here -I am sure it would be much WORSE! So embrassing!

I am sure He Who Shall Not Be Named would be better off as well! ;p Shame really! And with a lovely canadian wife instead...

I am enroute to Toranto then next chance I get!! I've actually been to Canada -for a few hours! Ha! No joking. Dude, I can't remember exactly where we came in!?? It was only a whim, a little day trip ya know? Rather silly actually! As we finally found "The Gaslight District" it was all closing down! And your chocolate is kind of...odd. But ya gum rocks!! ;p Very beautiful place! I would certainly venture back -and actually, like -stay and stuff! It was so damn beautiful there! And it strangely smelled really good too! What is that!? Why does your country smell better than mine!? That's not fair! ;p

I am so glad ya had such a good time! That is what I call a real vacation! -When you can't wait to get back! Thanks for finding me (you sneaky!) and letting me know how it went! Again, very glad to hear it went so great! I hope that falls over into your home life!! Love to ya Capture!! <333

elena said...


Just wanted to stop by and say I miss you.

Hope you are well.