Thursday, November 20, 2008

Trading shadows for sunshine.

Occasionally, I wish we lived in the clouds and the city was our sky.


resurrected wreck said...

The snow! The snow!


You know it's only going to get worse from here, right?

Six months of winter. I'm not ready for it yet! Though I did get myself an electric blanket. I'm pretty excited to try it out.

Sleeping problems? I can't say I've been having those myself, though I do usually wake up several times during the night. But that's normal for me, and I don't feel tired in the mornings because of it. I guess I'm used to a string of cat naps these days.

It was awkward being in costume at a bar at Halloween? Were there no other people there dressed up?

Anyway, I should shower & get ready for bed. Thank god it's friday tomorrow!

Have a great evening, a great day tomorrow, and a lovely weekend :)

Amyranth said...

That is an incredible picture.

I'm completely speechless.

resurrected wreck said...

Hi there, Pony Boy :)

I'm not dead either! I've just been feeling poorly lately. I suspect I have an ovarian cyst, and last Friday I came down with food poisoning >_< I am not a happy camper right now!

How are you doing? Ready for Christmas?

Have fun in the snow this weekend, I hear we're getting a lot of it!

resurrected wreck said...

What is all this cold fluffy white stuff??


I'm feeling much better than I did last week. The food poisoning incident is well over, and whatever was bothering me before (ovarian cyst, stomach issue, not sure) has lessened. I felt healthier today than I have in a long time. I hope it stays that way!

Ooooo! What boots did you get? I bought myself a military-style black top from Le Chateau a week or so ago. I felt a little bit guilty as it was a total splurge, but I'm a sucker for the military look.

I hope you have a great Christmas! :)

Amyranth said...


I completely missed the plane, but I DID catch the two streaks that I now realize are jet trails. Duh. :P

You know, it seems like that old camera I gave you last year has been serving you well. I can't even think of a present to top that.

So, what I want to give you this year is my faith that you will continue to excel in your arts. Your pictures, paintings, sketches, sculptures, words, everything, will be unapproachable and inimitable in their beauty.

Because sometimes, when we put so much of ourselves into something, it's hard to believe that anyone has faith in us when it goes wrong.


resurrected wreck said...

Hullo! :)

Not much new going on in my life right now, I'm afraid. Just work, sleep, sleep, work. How about you?

sister midnite said...

How are you???

resurrected wreck said...

I saw a store today called Stay Gold getting ready to open on Queen St. and it made me think of you :)

resurrected wreck said...

Looks like it might be a small art gallery. Not sure yet, though. It was totally empty still when I walked by.

Work's been good. We are done with the grey wool suits - finally! - and have moved onto the next opera. The grey wool opera had its dress rehearsal three nights ago, & one of the male singers walked off stage and didn't come back on. He and the conductor had been at each other's throats since rehearsals started, apparantly, and it blew up Wednesday night. We did a costume fitting for his replacement yesterday. Thankfully, everything fits him pretty well. We only have to alter the trousers.

How've you been? What have you been up to these days?

Original Punk L said...


Just wanted to let you know I'm still around, and still thinking about you. I'm doing good, just thinking alot. Which may or may not be good...:).

I created a new blog, a little something different. :)

Love you,

MissTottenham said...

Hiya CTV sweetie, it's nice to see you still around.

I hope you are well. I miss chatting to you sweetie.

wifey xxxx

MissTottenham said...

I hope you had a great birthday sweetie.


Original Punk L said...

Hey Bob, how are you? I'm so sorry I missed your birthday! J. and I have both had some kind of Martian Death Flu and it knocked us both out of commission for a while.

I hope you had a great birthday, and a wonderful year!

Love ya!


Martha Smith-Jones said...


I am worried about you. I haven't heard from you. I just want to know that you are alright. I hope you off someplace having a good time

elena said...

Just wanted to say - I miss you!

Anonymous said...


hey there, long time no see. I hope you're okay. Take care!

Martha Smith-Jones said...

just checking in on you. I hope you are well

Original Punk L said...

Bob, are you there? I miss you.

resurrected wreck said...

Hullo :)

Are you still around?

Original Punk L said...

Hey, CTV!

Just a little note to let you know I'm thinking about you and hope your day is going great.

Love you!


Martha Smith-Jones said...

You are missed. I hope you are well and that we get to talk again sometime.

Martha Smith-Jones said...

Just checking to see if you are still about.