Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Epitome of amazing.


resurrected wreck said...


I love it!!

resurrected wreck said...

Omgz, 1400th view.


resurrected wreck said...



resurrected wreck said...

LOLZ at your comment at my blog, CTV! Are you serious?? I think a lot of them have selective understanding.

resurrected wreck said...

I wish I could see her reaction when she finally puts two and two together.

She'll be horrified! ;P

resurrected wreck said...

I changed the time zone on my blog today. I guess it automatically defaults to west coast time unless you change it. I'd never noticed before!

resurrected wreck said...



Did you just call me short??

Yeah, okay, it's true, but still! And I'll have you know, the best things come in small packaged (ie. Frank), so there! :P

resurrected wreck said...

I didn't mean that he had a "small package" *cough cough*


Um... did I just make that worse?

resurrected wreck said...

*is tempted to use this info against RW as blackmail*

*is shocked!* See ---> 0_0

resurrected wreck said...

I only get a three-day weekend :( Do you get a four-day weekend?? 0_0

(^shocked face #6!)

resurrected wreck said...

5 day weekend?? How did you score that!

resurrected wreck said...

Just three - sucks to be me!!

resurrected wreck said...

Hi Karen,
Did you see any loose cows running around downtown this morning?
Luv, Mom.


Can I just say that I totally understood that?


resurrected wreck said...

I am, at this moment, enjoying an iced tea spiked with Canadian Club whisky.

I tried to be un-Canadian, but it didn't work!

MissTottenham said...

Ha, luve the piccie CTV.

Thank you wifey for my birthday wishes.

You are the best wife a girl could have hee hee!

Luv you.

resurrected wreck said...

That's funny, 'cause I usually follow you everywhere outside of the blogs.

Okay, that one deserves a "0_0"!

MissTottenham said...

I will tell you all about it wifey.

I have a feeling it will go like this.

Day 1: Rain, stayed in and played board games.

Day 2; Rain, stayed in and read.

Day 3 rain, stayed in and watched TV.

resurrected wreck said...

Because I haven't done this to you today yet:



resurrected wreck said...

There's totally no reason for you to feel like an idiot. It was him that forgot, after all. I'll bet he'd feel like an idiot if he'd remembered the person who spoke those words to him was right there in front of his nose when he quoted them! And I'll bet he'd feel really bad if he knew that it hurt you.

Like MJ said, there are a lot of people talking in the blogs to always remember who said what. I'm on nearly every day, and I still have to search back posts sometimes to remember who said what, and even then I don't always get it right. So I wouldn't read too much into it if I were you. I think the important thing is to remember that the words obviously went straight to his heart if he's able to recall them so clearly.

Don't be sad. It makes me sad to think of you being sad :(

Anonymous said...

Capture This Void,

Please, please do not think that SS would ever forget the kind words you wrote to him. He often says "Someone said to me", or "A wise person once said..." He hardly ever references back to that person, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know where it comes from. He cares about you, you know that.

I am not SS or Mayo, but I do know that he would not hurt you for the world.

Anonymous said...

CTV, like I said on the there blog there, even if he did forget, what's the big deal? I forget who said what to me three hours ago. Why take it personally? I think people put too much on him. He can't remember what everyone says at all times; to expect him to is asking him to be not even human. There's no reason to get upset. Haven't you ever gone, "I can't remember who told me this, but..." Honestly!

He might not have actually forgotten, but has nothing to feel guilty for even if he did forget. It's no big deal. Shoot, just before I was trying to tell someone something that another person had said to me on the blogs, and it was a good one and I couldn't remember who had said it.

He can't be expected to remember everything. It was over four months ago. There's no reason for you to take it personally or feel hurt.

farawaysoclose said...

CTV oh babe my heart does go out for you.
i hope you are OK. i know it's not his fault at all. these things happen, but i really feel for you i really do. even if you try and tell yourself it's not important, it is important to you! and the fact that you thought of those words just for him.

take care honey. big smile on your face, he wouldn't want you to feel sad and he would hate to think that his slip up made you down.

happy easter also!

go eat some chocolate my friend!

farawaysoclose said...

my heart goes out to you not for


Anonymous said...

Is it that huge of a deal?

farawaysoclose said...

Kapunua said...
Is it that huge of a deal?

i guess not in the grand scheme of things K. but i think for that little moment yeh you're gonna feel a little empty. i would anyway.

but yeh i know, no one died!!

hi CTV again !!

Anonymous said...

I can't say that I would. I can't even say that I would need a "cool down" period if someone forgot that I had said something.

I'm amazed sometimes that SS even comes back. We put so much on him and every teeny little thing he does turns huge. If he god forbid leaves out one small thing, it's a national disaster and people need support and encouragement over it? That's taking it too far. He is some dude who hangs around on a blog. Why do we need a support group because he didn't cite a quote?

Anonymous said...

Kapunua, Do you have one bit of compassion in your body? This is CTV's own blog, she feels bad enough, and you come here trying to make her feel worse?
I really don't know what to make of you. I have never in my life seen anyone so self-centered and cruel. You feel the need to address every issue that comes up, and are convinced you are the definite word on what ever the subject is.
If no one asks for your opinion, please, keep them to yourself. Especially if all you have are unkind words.

Anonymous said...

Didn't see anyone asking yours either, anon. ^_^ Say, why not sign in, huh?

capture this void said...

Thank you, Anon at 9:56 PM and 10:16 PM.

No need to sign in. It's fine.

anima said...

CTV, here is a huge *HUG* for you.


Martha Smith-Jones said...

CTV you are more than welcome. Like I have said I wish there was more I could do for you.

You are in my thoughts


Amyranth said...

Hey CTV.

I see you're putting that gold camera to good use!

Here's a hug for you, to send you on your way today.


resurrected wreck said...

Stop being so Canadian.

Shan't! :P

Original Punk J said...

HI BOB! How's it going today? Missed you at the party last night. Hope you're alright.

love from J and L

resurrected wreck said...

Because today wouldn't be complete without doing this at least once:


Have a lovely evening, Pony Boy! :)

resurrected wreck said...

Turning my lights off?

Yes, when I go to bed.

resurrected wreck said...

Ah, you mean for earth hour? From 8-9pm? Yes, I could switch off the lights for that :)

resurrected wreck said...

Good things groooooow in ________


Did you clickie my linkie??

resurrected wreck said...

It is my favourite song at the moment.

Reading my email as we speak...

resurrected wreck said...

Holy mother of god, you are way too fast for your own good.

I'll get you one day.

Heheheh... ;P

resurrected wreck said...

Thank you for your email! :) I shall respond to it soon, but not tonight as I am packing it in for the evening.

Have a good week, Pony Boy!